With a view to build a world class Law School, SASTRA has undertaken to earnestly endeavour and leave no stones unturned. CHANAKYA, an architectural edifice that houses the School of Law with its grand hi-tech auditorium, galleria type classrooms, moot court, etc. is becoming the intellectual nerve centre of SASTRA. The faculty team, headed by Dr. Balasubramanian, himself a veteran in legal education with over 30 years of experience, provides diverse expertise in the field of Corporate, Taxation, Civil and Criminal Law. The intellectual assets in addition to the faculty come from the rich library resources which is the Law School's main strength. The Law library has been established, thanks to a generous donation by Late Shri. G. Ramaswamy, former Attorney General of India. His personal law library valued at more than Rs. 3 crores was donated through Shri G. Raajagopalan, Senior Advocate. Rich collections like Halsbury Laws of England and other journals make the law library the cynosure of all eyes. The journal list and databases are updated periodically to keep abreast with the latest developments in the domain of law. In addition, the University through its 1 Gbps Wi-Fi internet facility provides seamless access to a host of online legal databases like Lexis-Nexis, Manupatra etc.